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Cell Tower Hearing Scheduled for May 23 at 1pm in Lakeport

Regarding the proposed Verizon installation of nine cell tower antennas in downtown Middletown, this message was received

Existing and Proposed Cell Tower Appearance

today from Mark Roberts of the Lake County Planning Department confirming a hearing on this issue for May 23rd at 1pm in Lakeport:

"Thank you for your comments, they will be included as an attachment in the staff report. The hearing is scheduled for May 23 at 1:00 p.m. All legal notices have been mailed out in accordance with Article 57 of the Lake County Zoning Ordinance. I have attached the applicants project description packet for your convenience. Additionally, once the staff report and attachments become available, they are able to be viewed/download from the following link: I have been informed by one of our office administrators, the staff report and attachments will be upload to the link below by May 17, 2019."

Link to the County website provided by Mark:

The two long links below are to the PDF attachments that Mark sent along with this message.

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