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Watch Verizon Lawyer Admit The Company Intends to Install 5G Cell Tower Antennas in Middletown

Updated: May 4, 2019

Although not explicit in its application documents, Verizon Wireless definitely intends to install 4G and eventually 5G cell tower antennas at its proposed downtown Middletown, CA facility, with nine (9) such antennas currently applied for. Watch the video linked here and below to see one of Verizon's attorneys state that exact fact before the Lake County Board of Supervisors at a recent hearing held in December of 2018. Please sign the petition now and write or email your concerns about this proposed installation of nine cell tower antennas by Verizon to each of those officials listed on the petition. Make sure to focus on the variance Verizon is requesting from Lake County ordinances due to the lack of sufficient setbacks of this tower from residences. Ask Lake County officials to uphold the county's own ordinance intended to protect county residents from excessive cell tower radiation exposure.

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