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Verizon Wireless has expressed its intention to install 5G service and has applied for a variance to situate nine new cell tower antennas atop an old existing tower situated on Hwy 175 between Bush and Stewart Streets in downtown Middletown,CA. If you oppose this plan, please sign the petition and attend the hearing on May 23rd!

Better cell phone coverage should not mean risking our health and that of our children!

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Help Stop the Verizon Cell Tower Antenna Installations in Middletown, CA!


We are a not-for-profit community group that intends to stop the proposed installation by Verizon Wireless of nine cell tower antennas in downtown Middletown, California. We ask you to join us and sign the petition we have started. If you require further information about this important issue for our community, please visit our web page with links and other relevant documents you can review.  You can contact us via the form below, and the map shows where this installation is currently planned for. 

Actions You Can Take Now

Please join us in opposing this microwave transmitter installation!

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The satellite image to the left shows the proposed location for the installation of nine cell tower antennas at an old existing tower site in downtown Middletown in very close proximity to various schools, churches, residences and businesses. A zoom-able map of the area around the marked tower location is shown immediately below that image.

The chart below is from a research paper that studied reported health issues of cell towers and displays what health issues were observed and how they increase with residential proximity to a cell phone base station in France.

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Contact Us

Please share this website with your friends and let us know if you want to be more involved in stopping the Verizon cell tower antenna

installations in Middletown, CA.

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