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Stop the Verizon Cell Tower Antenna Installations in Middletown, CA!

Updated: May 4, 2019

Please read below to find out how you can get involved in helping stop Verizon's proposed installation of nine (9) new antennas on a cell tower in central Middletown. You can also just sign and share this petition on social media using the #stop5Gmiddletown hashtag. We also have a Facebook Page here with an associated group you can join to get more active in opposing Verizon's proposal.

Your Urgent Action is Needed!

The Issue: There is currently an application with the County of Lake Planning Department to grant variances to Verizon Wireless in order to install a set of nine cell phone antennas that the company expects to use to eventually carry 5G cellular service. Verizon intends to perform this installation on an existing tower located on Highway 175 between Bush and Stewart Streets. This is two blocks away from our town's High School, Middle School and Elementary school, not to mention multiple nearby daycares, churches and other schools.

Verizon is requesting a 96% set back variance from the residences that abut the property, in other words they want to virtually eliminate cell phone tower set back requirements in Lake County. CA.  The Risks:

These towers have been linked to multiple heath concerns including; Brain Cancer (especially in children), depression, insomnia and infertility. Furthermore, the international biomedical research community is increasingly linking radio frequency radiation from wireless devices to adverse health effects. Among the devices of concern are cell towers and cell phones.

Most recently, in 2016, the National Toxicology Program at the National Institutes of Health linked cellular radio frequency radiation to malignant brain tumors (gliomas) and malignant nerve tumors (schwannomas) of the heart in rats.  - Ronald M. Powell (retired U.S. Government scientist; Ph.D., Applied Physics, Harvard University)

Last year, California Department of Public Health officials finally released a draft document outlining health concerns stemming from cellphone radiation — including multiple cancers and infertility.

“We have evidence of brain tumors and other head and neck tumors. We also have evidence of sperm damage in males, infertility in females,” -Joel Moskowitz of U.C. Berkeley’s School of Public Health, who sued the state in 2016 under the California Public Records Act to obtain the information.

In the Town of Ripon California, Sprint Wireless, just turned off a 5G tower they installed at Weston Elementary School after the 4th reported case of brain cancer in young students at that school. There were also 3 reported cases of brain and lymph node cancer in adults at that same school. see “Power Shut of to Weston Cell Tower”

Better cell phone coverage should not mean risking the health of our children, so make your voice heard!

Planning commission hearing:


Lakeport Board of Supervisors chambers

 255 North Forbes St Lakeport 

When: Thursday May 23rd 2019 @ TBA

Contact: Michalyn DelValle, Director, Lake County Community Development (707) 263-2221 Mark Roberts, Planner, Lake County Community Development (707) 263-2221 John Hess, Lake County Planning Commissioner, District 1 (202) 999-9221 Other concerns we have:

Middletown has been devastated after 2015 fire. Many residents have not returned. Many residents will leave rather then be exposed to additional microwave radiation from a cell tower. Businesses are struggling to stay open. Property owners’ rights concerns. Intrudes on the land, property and airspace of residents in immediate vicinity.

Will diminish property values and thereby reduce property tax revenue.

Removes the right of the homeowner to live on their own property. Humans and animals may experience harm from the resulting increased microwave radiation levels near the tower.

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