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MATH Board Candidate Julia Bono's Speech

Updated: Jan 11

Julia Bono is again running for a seat on the Middletown Area Town Hall (MATH) board election on Thursday 1/11/24. She has previously served as an alternate MATH board member. The meeting will start at 7 pm, but the MATH board election is on the agenda for 8:30 pm. See the image below for further agenda items.

The election meeting will be in person and via this Zoom link:

Here is the text of Julia's introductory candidate speech to be delivered at that meeting. "Hello everyone, thank you for coming tonight. My name is Reverend Julia Bono and I'm a minister, author, businessperson and scientist with considerable legal, financial, technology, real estate, and health-related experience who has lived in Middletown or Hidden Valley for over 23 years. As a professional writer, I am the author or co-author of over 35 books on various topics related to religion, music, nutrition, ecology and finance, and I have written thousands of articles published online. I have also served on the board of numerous non-profits including the Middletown Area Merchant's Association and as a MATH board alternate, and I ran for District 1 County Supervisor in 2020. I have special interests and expertise in supporting spirituality, ethics, healthy lifestyles, music, small local businesses, wildfire preparedness, environmental protection, artistic expression, medical freedom, compassionate solutions for homelessness, financial prudence, beneficial technology and fair cannabis cultivation opportunities in the Middletown Area and Lake County in general. Regarding my other special interests, I support responsible cannabis use for spiritual advancement and as a harm reduction alternative to the deadly use of alcohol and tobacco. I also stand against allowing chain stores like Dollar General to move into Middletown and the installation of potentially harmful cell phone towers in residential areas. I have actively opposed the extreme sewer rate rise Middletown residents have now suffered and official impingements on medical freedoms in this County. Anyway, I'm running for a MATH Board position today because I'm interested in using my high ethical standards, exceptional intelligence, activism experience, and varied background to help understand and solve as many of the ongoing problems my community faces as possible while fostering the success of local businesses and the well-being of Middletown Area residents. I ask for your support and vote today so that I can serve you all in that capacity." Find out more information about Julia at her County Supervisor campaign website located at: Her official Facebook Page is:

Julia and her campaign can be contacted at: ‪Phone: (707) 809-5731 (text and voice mail) Mail: P.O. Box 1408, Middletown, CA 95461 Email:

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